Founded in 1975, the French Association of Real Estate Investment Companies (ASPIM) is a non-profit association that brings together players in the management of unlisted real estate funds.

ASPIM's role is to promote real estate investment by increasing the visibility of the sector, its role in the economy and its place in the real estate ecosystem. ASPIM represents and defends its members, which are management companies of Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) in real estate, such as SCPIs (Civil Real Estate Investment Companies), OPCIs (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Real Estate) and other funds not mentioned in the Monetary and Financial Code's exhaustive list of Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs).

ASPIM develops promotional actions and also has an informational role by publishing news, real estate statistics, data on industry developments, the impact of regulatory changes and fund performance, among other things. The association thus meets the expectations of its members to have access to quality and accessible information.

The association also participates in the development of alternative investment funds (AIFs) through product innovation, regulation, taxation and distribution. In addition, ASPIM is an interlocutor with governments and real estate associations in France, Europe but also internationally. It promotes the specificity of the real estate investment sector to them in order to create a favorable context for the sector's activities.

ASPIM is chaired by Jean-Marc Coly, former CEO of Group La Francaise and of Amundi Real Estate.

Website ASPIM

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