Beaureale Investments offers you the opportunity to invest in investment funds that invest (in)directly in real estate. These funds rent the real estate to reputable operators and operators and pay returns and repayments from the rental income to the participants (investors) in the fund.

Each fund is a stand-alone project which will be completely filled within the subscription period. At the end of the subscription period participation in that project is no longer possible and you can only participate in the next project/fund.

An overview of our funds can be found here.

You can create an account for the My Beaureale platform by clicking the "Create an account" link on the platform's login page. On the next page, enter your email address is and you can enter a secure password.
You can use the password generator that you can access through the password field. To do so, click on the 'die' icon. A secure password will then be created for you that you can use to create your My Beaureale account. (Don't forget to save this password somewhere safe or in a password manager application!)

Next, we ask you to agree to our terms and conditions and you can optionally choose to stay informed about new investment opportunities via our newsletter. Once you click on the blue register button, your account will be created and you will receive an email confirming your registration. This mail will ask you to confirm your e-mail address. After you confirm your email address, the account is activated and you will be automatically logged into your My Beaureale account.

If you decide to participate in any of the funds offered on the Beaureale Investments website or the My Beaureale investment platform, it is necessary to verify your identity.

For this purpose we use DataChecker, a reputable provider of online identification and verification solutions. The verification process is done using your cell phone. If you follow the instructions, the entire identification process only takes a few minutes.

We have also described the steps to follow in a manual.

Your personal information is protected and visible only to you and us.

You can reset your password for the My Beaureale investment platform by clicking the "Forgot your password" link on the platform login screen.

You will then be asked to enter the email address you used to create your account. Then click on the blue send button. You will then receive by email further instructions on how to change your password.

If you do not succeed in changing your password via the My Beaureale platform, please contact us at info@beaureale.com or call +31(0)88 - 00 33 700.

Investors who wish to subscribe to units can register through the My Beaureale platform.
After fully completing your account and verifying your information, you will have the opportunity to subscribe to the fund by completing and signing the subscription form. You can perform this process completely independently and online. However should you have any questions you can always contact participeren@beaureale.com or + 31 88 00 33 700, we will be happy to assist you.

You should complete the following steps so that you can register for a fund.

1. Express interest and register for fund through the website (www.beaureale.com)
2. (Optional) Personal (online) appointment with one of the financial advisors
(One-time) Create an account on the Beaureale Investment Platform 3. After creating your account, you will need to fill in your personal data and verify your identity so that you can invest through our platform.
4. Capture choice of participations through the investment platform (digitally sign subscription form).
5. After expiration/closure of subscription date, the participations you have chosen will be (partially) definitively allocated to you.
6. You will receive an invoice for the number of allocated participations by e-mail, which you must pay within the payment period.
7. Once the payment has been successfully received, you will receive a confirmation by email.
8. Every quarter you will receive a return on your investment. You can follow the current state of affairs via your dashboard on the Beaureale Investment Platform.

You can invest with us through participations, the minimum participation for this is € 100,000. With participations you participate in a mutual fund under Dutch law.

A mutual fund is not a legal entity nor does it intend to be a partnership. It is an agreement of its own nature between an administrator as the manager of the fund, a legal owner as the legal entity that holds the legal ownership of the fund assets and enters into the main contracts for the fund, and a number of participants (i.c. the investors) as the economic stakeholders in the fund assets held by the legal owner.

At participeren@beaureale.com you can request the EBI (Key Investor Information) or prospectus (Information Memorandum) for each fund by mail.

Upon joining the fund, there will be a one-time 2.00% issue fee on the amount invested. This fee is used for administration and structuring of the fund. Other than the one-time issue fee, no fees will be charged to the fund's investors throughout the term.

The minimum participation is different for each fund. At Fond BRI Eifel, the nominal value of a unit is € 5,000. The minimum participation is from 20 units (= € 100,000). There is no maximum participation amount. Participation in funds is possible based on availability.

During the term, you can receive repayment on your investment, depending on the arrangements made. To qualify for (partial) repayment, you can apply periodically through the My Beaureale platform. 

The repayment arrangements may vary per project. Please refer to the Fund's Information Memorandum for this.
Do you have questions about repayment? If so, please contact us at info@beaureale.com.

The time of payment of the return is quarterly. The Fund's Information Memorandum provides the available information and conditions on this.

On Jan. 28, 2021, an authorization was granted to Beaureale Investments France SAS by the French financial authorities, the AMF (Autorité des marchés financiers) as referred to in the French implementation of the AIFMD. This authorization is valid within the European Monetary Union and covers the management of funds.

The Manager is a societé par actions simplifieé (SAS) under the laws of France with its registered office in Paris, France, and its office at 9 Avenue de Friedland, 75008 Paris, France. The Manager is registered in the French Registre du commerce et des sociétés (RCS) under number 849 344 718. An extract of the Management Company's Articles of Association may be obtained from the Management Company free of charge upon request.

All communications with Dutch investors are handled by the Dutch sister company of Beaureale Investments France SAS, Beaureale Investments B.V. You can contact us at info@beaureale.com or call: +31 (0)88 00 33 700. Our staff will be happy to assist you.

Every year, investors are welcome to attend the annual meeting, also known as the 'AVP' (General Meeting of Unitholders).

Meeting right for participants
For the funds managed by Beaureale we are obliged to call our participants to a meeting once a year.  During the AVP we account for the policy pursued. Participants can then put questions to the board and the advisory board about all kinds of matters concerning the fund, such as corporate governance and the annual accounts.

When entitled to participate?
Every participant in a Beaureale Fund is entitled to participate in the AVP.

Signing up for the AVP.
Through the My Beaureale investment platform and through our service emails, you will be notified of the date of the AVP and also have the opportunity to sign up for (online) participation.

If you have a complaint regarding the services and/or other issues related to your investment in one of the funds offered through the My Beaureale Investments platform or the Beaureale Investments website, you can inform us as follows:

By post:
Please address your complaint, along with your contact details (name, address, email address, phone number), to the following address:
Beaureale Investments France
Compliance Officer
9 Avenue de Friedland
75008 Paris, France

By email:
Send your complaint, along with your contact details, to the following email address: complaints@beaureale.com.

You may also request mediation through the website of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) or send your mediation request to the following address:

Autorité des Marchés Financiers
Médiateur de l'AMF
17 Place de la Bourse
75082 Paris Cedex 02, France

Beaureale will send you an acknowledgment of receipt within 10 days and provide a response within 2 months from the date of receiving your complaint.